Filling Up

Going to The gas station Is a hassle. Especially when you are 15 minutes from a station, luging a 5 gallon can in your back seat, for your lawnmower, that is at the bottom of the hill. Empty. They say the struggle is real. Every spring I would throw my 10 red plastic 5 gallon jugs into the back of my pickup, go into town and come back with 50 gallons of fuel for the summer. Lawn mower, chainsaw, AV, Farm Truck. and over time pieces would break on all the containers, just rendering unsafe or useless. anymore those cans ran me 20$ each at the time.

Later I spent a little bit more money on Metal cans that were $40 each, yet haven’t Broken yet. I spent $200 on 5 cans. no spills, no leaks. but I did have to run to the gas station more often.

But browsing Facebook one day I kept seeing 300 Gallon farm tanks for sale. Cheap. Gravity Fed. I contacted The Co-op Here in town and they told me I could have Unleaded, here on my property, Delivered to me, Cheaper than what I would pay for at the Gas Station. Sold. I Found a one for sale and went to pick it up. Hayden sanded it down. Put Primer on it. and Painted the Frame and The Tank. I put up Forms for Concrete, Set rebar, and Mixed about 30 bags of Quickcrete and Skimmed the top while it set. Now We have a filling Station at the Homestead.

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